Hello 2019!!

First let me start off the year by wishing everyone a bountiful, joy-full and ART-full year.

Second, I have just reread my goal list from 2018 and, of the 5 goals, I met 3.
1) the #52in52 scrapbook pages challenge
2) the Mission Inspiration monthly art journaling challenge
3) my art group's "Birthday Club" where we send a handmade item to those celebrating birthdays
I quit the planner group with good reason (drama then NO activity AT ALL sigh) so #4 (posting weekly in planner group) was not met. No real reason for not meeting #5 (blog weekly) except to say that I live a sorta boring life and just never really felt the need to post boring things for Y'all.

That brings me to 2019 in which I have a health issue that is going to need to be dealt with (sooner the better). Therefore I am trying to allow more time to just BE and relax and heal. I have things I am wanting to do but they are not set in stone type of things. My word for the year is FLEXIBLE.

Anyways, 2019 goals (drum roll please) (NO, really.. I will wait) ok!

#1) participating in my art group's "Birthday Club" where we send a handmade item to those celebrating birthdays.
#2) 2019's weekly scrapbook layout challenge over at the Scraptacular Cropping Club
#3) the 52 Weeks Being Me challenge over at the Words of Me Project
#4) the Monthly lottery challenge in my ATC Art Group on IO Groups
#5) follow my budget and pay off my ALL debt by this year's end

I have already set up my 2019 Happy Planner to assist me with my follow through on my goals as well as the usual: work, PT gig, appointments (gonna be lots of those this month), birthdays, bill paying, travel, meetings and the like.

I am also setting my sights on acquiring a bookbinding machine. I have to old school book press with the clothes and stuff for making my own paper and glue binding my own books but it is a time-consuming process. I am looking for a spiral or coil binding system that is both inexpensive and easy to use. Making more journals and mini-books os on my "want to do" list this year. Last year was a washout for that particular form of art. :-(

Along the lines of "flexible", I may continue the Mission Inspiration monthly art journaling challenges that Mike Deakin posts. I have really enjoyed doing them but sometimes it was a race to beat the deadline. This year I am leaving it off the GOALS list because I don't want to be stressed about making art. And, if a particular challenge doesn't float my boat I can skip it without freakin' out over missing one. On a side note: the journal I started using for mixed media art challenges is now full with 2016, 2017 & 2018. I will need to start a new one if I decide to continue this year. I am thinking that Goal #3 will have enough reason to do some MMA that a full-on journal page will not be called for.

So, off and running into the New Year I go!
Best wishes to you all.



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