Holiday Letter

Hello! And Season’s Greetings, Winter Solstice Wishes, Merry Christmas, Blessings of the New Year, etc. To you I wish all of those and more, based on whatever you are choosing to observe and celebrate at this time. My poor blog has been sorely neglected due to work and other life issues so if you are following it I apologize profusely. There has been too much going on this year to create as much art as I would like. That means less time for card making, paint pouring, mixed media art and even scrapbooking. I even cut my list of people getting cards this year by about 1/3.
Work has been short staffed (has been since July of 2017, sigh). In theory that problem has been solved (or so I was told)… In actuality it has not. So my 3 days a week job has had me there at least 4 days, sometimes 5 for the last 16 months. That has begun taking a toll . Trying to make it less of a drag by riding there. I have put a tad over 7000 miles on Suzi this year. Unfortunately most of that is back and forth to work, in the dark. But there have been some lovely rides and that always makes long weeks better.
I committed to a scrapbook page challenge (#52in2018) and have submitted each week’s page on time (win #1)! Also re-upped for Mike Deakin’s monthly Mission Inspiration challenges again this year and am on track to complete all of them on time (win #2). Quit the planner group but am still using my MAMBI Happy Planner to track full time work, part time gig, trips, birthdays,appointments and on and on and on. The planner makes my life easier and it is FUN. Fun is the key word. I am a visual person and being able to do memory keeping in the planner as well as tracking the essentials is a must.
In other news, my son and his wife are expecting. Gender to be revealed soon. This will be my 1st actual grandchild, according to most of you. For those that know how much I loved and adored Bud, I am considering it my 2nd 😊 Speaking of Bud, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge April 25th of this year ☹
Nothing else really pressing at this moment to share. My email, phone and address are all still the same. My blog is still at although up lonely & neglected). My art listed for sale is still at but needs more items made before I can list them. Again… not enough time to do the things I WANT to….
Many hugs & much love…


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