seems like... weeks must be about 21-22 days long because my GOAL is to post weekly but my REALITY is every 3 weeks. ARGH. As a rationalization, however, I will point out that is is the BUSIEST time of the year and we are still under-staffed. I have been making cards and gifts and things for the holidays as well, and it is NEVER a good idea to type on a brand new laptop when you are playing with acrylic paints. NEVER!! Add to all of that an unexpected death in the family (11/18) and the resulting funeral (back home) you can see where my time has gone. On the win side of the equation I have written and addressed all my holiday greetings and gifts. They will go postal Saturday (my next day off). I did NOT do my November 1st accountability for the month of October... allow me to combine those 2 months into one since I work tomorrow (the last day of November) ::

Make a booklet or journal? Actually, I DID! It's a gift :-)
ATC Challenge... on hold for the Holidays!!
Mission Inspiration journal challenge October done, November not (but I have until 12/2 so who knows!)
Scrapbook Challenge October mostly done (have not posted it so still pending) and November not even started
Birthday card group ...up to date but do need to get started on the early January cards
Blog once weekly... Seriously? See the 1st sentence above :-(

On the plus side I did keep working my Curios & Conundrums Omnibus and have COMPLETED Volume #1 !! I wrote/typed up a synopsis for each issue (1-5) and then an overall "What have I learned so far" couple of pages as far as the story goes. Yes, there is an overarching story that will need to be solved, I think.

I have a bunch of ATC jams & collaborations that will need to be completed soon. Some random penpals require replies. Other than that, I have crossed a lot off the list of things to get done this week. All in all it is looking good and (mostly) on track for the month. Now to package up some work gifts (still need to get 2 more) and go see the BF.

Blessings to all.


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