The end is in sight?

Managed to get the work schedule posted for May (finally) and guess what? There are now 10 people on it!! So hopefully no more working 4 or 5 days a week. Yes, while the pay may be nicer than a 3 day week it takes its toll on the body & the spirit when I work too much. No art time makes me sad. No beach time, no Bud time... all of these snowball into a cranky chaotic mess! Not to mention I had to cram Monday & Tuesday workouts into one (done this morning) and STILL have to complete the workout for today. UGH.

I have started on the 1st of my Mixed media Windows. It is cleaned up, sanded here and there (want to leave it distressed and aged looking) and the glass has been caulked back in. Keep in mind these windows are the original ones to our house and as such they are older than I am.

Today is my day off and I am planning to do the Scrap Our Stash challenge today. Also on the horizon (hopefully today) is Mike Deakin's Mission Inspiration challenge for April.

Saturday will see me at the Planner Play Meeting in Pascagoula with some other organized and crafty people. So excited.. last one was so much fun!

ATC Fun's technique swap AND Lottery entries are done! I have 3 birthday cards to make and mail before April ends. There are a few outstanding swaps for my Facebook group still pending so will package and mail later today. 3 penpal letters and a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) are also pending. Bills are paid. Need to get gas before heading to work so will take Bud for a ride later. Right now I am off to the church to donate some items for the rummage sale!! And it is already 10:30am...argh...


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