How did April go?

I am at work all day tomorrow and Sunday is also busy so let me go ahead and do my Monthly Accountability post now.

Same MONTHLY GOALS: make a booklet or journal. 3 workouts/wk. ATC Challenge. Mission Inspiration journal challenge. Birthday card group. Blog once weekly. Start on one of the windows I reclaimed and turn it into something artistic. TieDye some scrubs.

The Results are in.... 3 outta 5 done
I made several small journals and took them as demos to Art Night.
I DID NOT work out at least 3 times every week bc of work schedule and some health issues.
I DID complete April's ATC Challenge.
I DID complete April's Mission Inspiration Challenge (today, LOL)
I DID make birthday cards for those that were due.
I DID NOT blog all 4 weeks of April (this will be my 3rd post this month, not 4th...sigh)

What ELSE did April include? Besides working 4 days a week instead of 3? I got to see an Opera (was a bucket list item)...Faust. WONDERFUL!! Loved It!! Playing in my planner & attended the Gulf Coast Planner Addicts meeting. Got my day to day stuff done like meal planning, bill paying, laundry, etc. Put money into savings. Stuck to my budget. Added some found pottery and random pieces to my rock garden. Saw my chiropractor and will have a massage Sunday from my massage therapist. Trying to keep the body going. Seeing a doc for some health related issues but art time still keeping me sane. Started on one of the windows I reclaimed .. it is cleaned, somewhat sanded (I want it rustic) and panes have been recaulked back in place. Got a mail bomb so I replied in kind & PIF'd one to a random address. I love mail art!! Made a few ATCs and traded them. Caught up with my pen pals (I have lots). Will be road tripping for my Birthday, of course. Taking the camper out on its maiden voyage. Laureli got it all legal this week and it is now waterproof and raring to leave the driveway. So am I. Training Midnight is a process. I will leave it at that. Good thing he is so stinkin' cute. Bud just sat on him this morning. Good Boy! Got a dozen cards made (sympathy, birthday, encouragement) to refill some I have mailed out. Mowed the yard. Scrapbooked the kid's visit and my trip to Texas. Tried out the buffet at Scarlet Pearl (OMG the tiramisu!) (SWOON) for Easter. vacuumed the house. Even managed to watch 2 movies... My Name is Doris (hilarious) and Elvis & Nixon (who knew?).

Looking at the May schedule coming up for work and-in the 5 weeks covered -I'm only working 3 days a week AND only 3 of the 5 Saturdays!! So my additional Goal for May? I want to work on some smaller mixed media art pieces. So, here's looking at you, May 2017.


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