Been a while.. I know...
Started the week on Sunday with an orchestra seat for the final play of the 2016-2017 opera season in New Orleans. Faust. OMG! Was so enthralling I was not even aware of three hours passing. Worked again Monday & Tuesday. Today was a day off with only one errand to run. Took Midi to Dr Hunt since his mommy was working. WOW. Feel like a slacker or something. So I made a few exploding envelope cards for a some upcoming birthday people on my list. I worked on my room for a bit. I made all 3 meals for tomorrow and dinner for tonight. Did my laundry, worked out, took a shower... now going to go chill and catch up with the BF and see how our days compare. And walk the dogs. Saw a bald eagle on the Pass Pier last night on my way home but had no real camera... just crappy cell phone so no picture. I will leave you with one of the newest member of our little family.
