Accountability Check-In

So let me check in… Same goals for February that I had for January: make a book, 3 workouts/wk, ATC Challenge, Mission Inspiration journal challenge, birthday card group and Blog.
The Results are in....
I STILL DID NOT make a book. Not even a booklet. That will change this month!
I DID work out at least 3 times a week (some saw more).
I DID complete February’s ATC Challenge.
I DID complete February’s Mission Inspiration Challenge (MD even liked it on FB!!).
I DID make birthday cards for those that were due.
I DID blog all 4 weeks of February!!

What else did February include? Still working 4 days a week (instead of 3). Got my day to day stuff done most every day. Put money into savings then took that plus more out in order to give a new home to a popup camper!! Stuck to my budget (other than the camper). Saw my chiropractor. Got rock garden completed. No significant weight loss or inches this time around. Sigh. On Round 3 of our 3 week challenges at work, still hanging in there. Art time keeping me sane.

Goals for March? Start on one of the windows I reclaimed and turn it into something artistic. Make at least a booklet. Continue my 2 monthly art challenges and birthday club cards. Blog weekly. Continue tracking spending and maintaining a budget. Go to Texas. Take a mixed media art class.


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