missed a week... darn it!

So, a day short of 2 weeks in between posts... darn it! Last week was rough...worked 5 out of 6 days in a profession where you SHOULD work ONLY 3 days a week. Not an excuse...well, ok...realy it is one. So there. Just gonna own up to it.. I was flipping exhausted! Since I posted last I've had to revamp the rest of February's teammate schedule bc we are now short 2 techs (Yes! 2!) and write the March schedule. Managed a full moon firepit celebration, complete with libations, on the 11th. The 12th of February saw us bringing home the newest member of our flock... an ALiner popup camper! Laureli has spent her time as of late renovating it... camping is going to be so freaking cool this summer!! It even got new weatherstripping yesterday while I mowed the lawn. First mow of the season.. maybe winter is about over? The 13th saw me starting a "Clean Eating" challenge that lasted 5 days.. I made it!! Helped that I worked 4 of the 5 days the challenge lasted bc (as you know) Sundays are spent cooking & packing my meals for the week. Valentine's Day was lovely, even tho I worked it. Friday evening was art group but I slept through it. Saturday was the Long Beach Mardi Gras Parade and drinks after with friends @ Chili's. all of that AFTER working all day. I was beat but it was a blast. It was also Stat-urday for my fitness group. No big changes but at least the #s are trending down. Sunday I finished my rock garden!! And that is the picture I will leave here today...
Blessed be and hope to see you next Wednesday, back on schedule!


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