New Year... New Goals...

So I did not post AT ALL here for November & December. Life gets away from me during the time of year commonly known as "The Holiday Season". Therefore some stuff just has to fall by the wayside. Things like blogging, Facebook, art therapy, getting lost in Pinterest or any of the other extraneous stuff. What DO I do during those 2 months? I cover for people I work with so they can go out of town for the holidays and see their loved ones. I cover for sick coworkers and for those who suffered the unimaginable loss of a loved one during this time of family and friends. I make my gifts for family, friends & patients. I make cards and mail them to the 150 addresses on my list (next year that list will be trimmed down to less than half that #!). I push through to finish all my projects that I have not completed so I can start fresh ones in the new year.

So... that brings me to the NEW YEAR and my NEW GOALS... hence the title of today's blog post.

Keeping in mind that work is still short-staffed for January (and possibly longer) I have cut back on some of my over-achieving tendencies and narrowed my list to these::

I did Journal52 last year but with my schedule starting off as it is this year I cannot commit to weekly anything. Therefore I am doing Mike Deakin's Mission Inspiration challenge... a monthly challenge prompt for art journaling that comes out the 1st Saturday monthly. That I can manage.

I will still be doing Jams & ATC swaps but lack of time and postage costs will slow me down some.

Still doing my art journaling.

I did the Mixed Media Morsels thru #20 and Cat Hand is on #31 ... my goal is to catch up during the year as time allows.

I am also doing the 21 Day Fix challenge with my coworkers so that involves a daily workout .. definitely a challenge but needed!

Quit Michael's and no classes on my "to teach" list... I am good with that. Maybe in the summer when life is less hectic?

I am an co-Admin on a local planner group... not too much involved there and I play in my planner often for fun & relaxing after work.

Oh, yeah.. and Blog on a more regular basis.. d'uh!

Here is to a new year and a better, fitter, healthier, artier (is that a word?) me!


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