I just noticed that I have not posted on here in like a coon's age.. so sorry!!
been busy teaching at Michael's, working at DaVita and living the beach life.
callie died in August, almost a year to the day of Mr. Buoy's passing. Sad.
We are looking at end of life care for Cappi as she is way into the geriatric doggie stage now.
Did make it back to Texas in July & then again early October to see the kids, my dad & some BHS friends.
Also did some touristy type things like Horseback riding, walking the river, etc.
Bud did not get to go because I took the BF instead. he can go in March. :-)
Oh..get this.. DAD QUIT SMOKING!!!!!
Wait.. THAT should be the headline.. lemme go change that up top....
Ok... Title of blog post has been changed. That is like an awesome thing, y'all...So, working on teaching some classes outside of Michael's since they have changed how they pay me. They are now deducting a "Room Fee" from my "Classroom Bonus" ..and that is AFTER they take their cut of my Class Fees. Used to be their percentage of my classroom fee paid for the room, but not the case any longer. Which leaves very little "bonus" for me for a class that takes 3-4 hours of my OWN time to prepare just so they can get people in the store to buy supplies. So I am only teaching free classes there. That means no "bonus" for me and no room fee for them but I get paid to stand around a talk. I can do that for $20.
Facebook made me change my name. Peeved but sicne that is where I post all my classes I will adapt.... grudgingly.
Old friend of mine (Dink) had a heart e are close in age. I don't smoke, so that is a plus. Seems like lots of folks my age are dropping from cardiovascular events... eek!!
Still working in my MAMBI Happy Planner... fun & nice to look at a paper schedule at a glance instead of trying to see a "bigger picture' on my damn tiny phone. Getting back into more of my book making and less of my greeting cards. Pulled my card rack from the local book store. I do have about 12 dozen people on my holiday card list so started on that already. about halfway done but I have time. Scrapbook is caught up (ie: within last month). Will have to start posting some of my books I've made on here... get back in the posting groove as they year slows down a tad.

Blessing to all...
chaotic Kristi (except on facebook, now... argh!!)


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