Oh the things I have done...

So, it is not quite 9:30am and already I have managed to herd dogs & cats, launder & fold the summer sheets and put them away, started the next round of laundry (scrubs) and managed to launder myself. Hair is still wet but it will dry on its own. I have also:: washed dishes, put plants out in the sun & watered them, Christmas present & card left on neighbor's doorstep, written in and addressed my Christmas cards so they are ready to drop off at the Post Office. All before I have had breakfast or a second cup of coffee!! I still need to do my recertification paperwork, eat breakfast, drop off mail and some of my hand-delivery cards and get stuff ready for tonight's Sizzix Test Drive Class I am teaching @ Michael's.
And now...off I go to get the rest of today's list DONE!


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