yippeeeee......art night!!

So, I am finally off and tonight is art night with the gals, so much fun!! I am hosting it tonight at St Pat's bc the Church of Christ is doing VBS. Got some planning to do and tables to move but all is well.... come one, come all!! 3210 N Cleveland, 5-10pm.
Right now I am sipping coffee & watching a pair of doves look for breakfast in my front yard. I love that about my art space... wide open windows and lots of view. Have a chiro appt at Healing Hands this morning (that is what working 55+ hours per week gets you) and then a bit of chores to swipe off my list before I can play. Love Dr Adam!!
this card was made from a homemade stencil I created out of acetate with an Xacto knife. Love the results!
Have a blessed day!!


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