How much can I get done in a day?

So, awoke this morning with a LONG LIST of things to do, mostly because we were both off this weekend and instead of doing MY things I had a blast hanging with my bestie and getting other things done. Like the reorganization of the garage!! I will post a before and after pic for you. WOW! We can get both cars in it now. No mean feat until you consider it will hold 4 cars but we only had room for 1 in there.

Anyway, back to the original question: "How much can I get done in a day?" At 8am I started on my list... by 2:30pm I have accomplished a large percentage of that list.

The mundane list is: (in no particular order)
1. Grocery store (cat food, cat litter, dog food, roast, almond milk & apples) DONE
2. Glasses adjusted DONE
3. Water company (see why bill was not still on autopay) DONE
4. Bank (arguing item on credit report and making deposit) DONE
5. Trash & recycle gathered and placed at curb DONE
6. Pack vitamins for the week in daily doses DONE
7. Pack Tueday's work meals (breaakfast, lunch & dinner) DONE
8. Post office to mail out May issue of Gulfport Gems DONE
9. Stampin' Up! order placed DONE
10. Pen Pal replies & correspondence DONE
11. Daily journalling (nope, not yet but hoping to before bedtime)
12. Prep tutorial for the masking/sponging class I am teaching 5/16 (in process now but not completed)
13. Refill cat litter, cat & dog food containers with supplies purchased in #1 DONE

and then I have several art projects that should be or are almost due for completion
The art list is: (again in no particular order)
1. Make & mail out 3/3 Taurus ATC to yahoo group
2. Mail out ATC to lottery winner from May 1st drawing DONE
3. Mail art package to Vanda in Texas DONE
4. Journal the Letter H (was due 4/30)
5. Journal Letter I (is due 5/14)

Well looks like I had 18 things to do... only 5 left... 13 knocked off AND as a bonus, made & ate chicken salad for lunch. Now to tackle the remaining 5 things!


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