Question posed was...

there was a question posted on one of my art group today::
Is there any type of art you hate to do?

My reply was::
well...started off doing decoupage not quite 2 decades ago...
from there I got into mixed media... then ATCs, altered books...
all that led to greeting cards (my primary art form these days since I sell them)
then I started teaching workshops for scrapbooking & rubber stamping
that branched out to include teaching "how to" classes for a myriad of things including:
sculpey, paperclay, alcohol inks, pearlX, clayboard, jewelry, embossing, greeting cards, ephemera, acrylic paints, encaustic wax, sponging/masking, photograpy, composition... etc

about the only thing I don't enjoy is freehand drawing & CAD
I used to crochet/knit but have not done in a long time (think I forgot how)

I REALLY miss having ppl here to share in those interests... had a group of 8-10 ppl back in TX that sorta validated my entire room of supplies (not cheap, lemme tell ya...expensive hobby, art) but so far here I only have 2 ppl who are consistently attending monthly workshops... slow going....but I keep hoping!


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