joining, relaxing, and getting back into the swing of mail art

So, today is my day off, as will tomorrow be. I don't like that bc it means I am working 3 days in a row again, but it is what it is. My "alternate" (the gal who works MWF when I am TTS, and vice versa) needed the last half of the week off so she is working MTW & I am working TFS... sigh. But, on the plus side I have tomorrow off so will make some ATCs for the monthly WTA (Winner Take All) swap going on until 4/28/13 in the new online ATC group I joined today. the theme is BEE... I can get behind that. Briana came over today and we made ATCs for a couple of hours, not nearly enough time. Next monthly art day is next Tuesday, so really looking forward to that!


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