A chilly start ...

... to what will be a terrific day...and it is my day off! Have had my first cup of coffee with a chunk of spinach feta stuffed bread {breakfast} and already written to my Austin penpal. Now starting on 2nd cup of reishi coffee while checking in with the cyber world.

I opened at work yesterday (ie: I get to the clinic @ 4am so get up at 3am) and I will open again tomorrow. Slight barometric headache today but will ignore it and relax in my craft space while catching up on household chores (the usual dishes, laundry, etc) that I don't do on work days.

I got a jigsaw puzzle at Dirt Cheap last week that is on my list of things to do today. I LOVE jigsaw puzzles but have lacked the space (and time) to do them. With cats, you see, you must plan ahead. No matter what flat surface I choose, at least one cat will be inexplicably drawn to THAT one surface. So, planning is key if I want all my pieces to remain in one place.

I have Kitta on my art table chewing on my pens while the space heater begins to warm up my space (58` is just a tad too chilly for my fingers to do anything except stay tucked in their mittens). Spent some time Sunday sorting thru my 14x14 bin of paper scraps into color groups. Then I made 11 cards using all but 2 of those groups. Today I will see what I can create out of the other 2 groupings and then see what else comes to mind to do in here.

Speaking of Kitta, will leave you with a pic of her I took this morning in the den... she was checking out the squirrel family in our back yard.


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