Well, cap lock was on for the title, but I think I will leave it because I have been busy and expected it to be PM hours already. What have I been doing? Well, thanks to Callie I was up not too long after 7am. Had a cup of coffee then made a spirulina smoothie for Laureli and I to enjoy for breakfast. Since then I have (in no particular order) ::
showered and gotten dressed
dehydrated fruits (mango, ginger & pineapple) to add to my homemade trail mix
made a card to fill a custom order
tidied the kitchen
started my potato soup recipe for "to go" lunches for Friday & Saturday
made "to go" breakfasts for Friday and Saturday (I work next 2 days so pack my breakfasts & lunches the day before)
washed a load of laundry and placed it in dryer
rounded up and head counted 3 of the 4 kitties (Kitta is outside the yard, sigh)
read and replied to emails and Facebook
posted on my daily creativity blog and on here!
What now? I will sit and study a little more for my CCHT exam (scheduled for 2/23/13) and maybe make a couple more cards. I need to run to the bank for Scharrion, drop some pecans off to Mary @ Bacchus ... and then maybe a nap since I have to get up so early the next 2 days. Do not like working back to back dialysis days but one of the teammates has a funeral to go to Saturday so I said I would cover for her.


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