Catching Up

ok, I know... 12 days later... but what a fun filled 12 days!! So, I started a journal for this year's Year of" project. the idea is to take a picture of some event or activity or item that stood out for me that day and then jot down a quick paragraph about it. I am actually keeping up with that, and with work, and with card making... so in that grand scheme of things, going 12 days without a post on here is not such a bad thing as it at first seemed to be when I looked at the last post's date :-) The 10th was my son's birthday.... got to talk with him for a bit. And, as it was my day off, I finally got around to starting the scrapbookking process of all the stuff I have collected for a particualr album dating back to Jan 2010. On the 11th I worked, and if you know me you know my days at work are LOOOONGG. The 12th I was a massage dummy for demonstration of leg work. Poor me, I know. :-) 13th was sink repair day. 14th I was called in to work for someone who couldn't come in and the 15th was my usual work day... argh! I hate back to back days. However, after work on the 15th Scharrion made it over (read her blog here ) and we had Absenthe, prepared the original way! Weds the 16th I was dummy ayt massage school for low back and leg work.... I rock as a massage dummy!!!! Thursday the 17th I "bleached the loop" at work, which means I was the one that stayed after all patients and techs were off the floor and disinfected the entire bicarb loop with bleach, about a 3 hour process in all. Friday I went and checked out a couple of new stores in Hancock County and guess what??? They have my beer!! Old Rasputin AND Shiner Family reunion! I am so jazzed about that.. Mississippi is coming into its own on the alcohol front, it seems. At least there is a glimmer of hope. The 19th was Jophn's "In House Caberet" after work, then home to get some MUCH needed sleep. Sunday was spent in search of a wine rack (found at goodwill for $1.99!) and dinner at TGIF's... That brings me to today. I will sort thru the alcohol cabinet and try to make some sense of it. I will begin to prepare for my CCHT (national board) exam. And, I will meet Scharrion for some lunch. And I will go to bed EARLY because I have to open at work tomorrow... 4AM.


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