Time for a nap...

I finally peeled myself out of my flannel sheets and wrapped up in my new fluffy Crofts & Barrow zip up robe around 7:30am this morning. Since that event 5 hours ago I have crossed off a multitude of things on my "to do" list! The only things left now are those that require me to leave my humble yet cozy abode: post office, money order, drop off a found phone at nearest AT&T center and renew my last library book. I will begin on that portion of my list right after the NAP that I have planned. You see, when you have to get up at 3:30am the next day yet you want to see people and eat dinner with friends, etc you must plan ahead. That 2 hour nap may not seem like a lot at the time but it is the difference between going to bed at 8pm (when your dinner date gets off work) or going to bed at 10pm. So... good night to all of you... see you around 2pm.


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