A day off! The only work-related item is a nap so I have enough sleep before I have to be at work at OMG AM tomorrow morning. I need some crimp beads since it seems I am either out or I cannot locate any in my stash. Since most of you know I am fairly well organized, I am better it is the first choice rather than the latter. Thought I would make some more seasonal cards to send out personally. Am going to run to post office later today for my roomie so may as well get my cards ready to send out.
All 4 cats are out (3 are free-ranging, 1 which makes me a nervous wreck, sigh) and so is the dog, Slightly damp from last nights rain but they do not seem too put out by the weather so out they are. A couple have come in for breakfast but returned to the wild ASAP. I, however, have not yet had my breakfast. I am imbibing coffee so it is the next best thing to actual food.
Also on my "to do" list today is to write both of my pen pals and catch them up on November's happenings. May actually type those today instead of handwriting since typing is quicker and more legible when I am in a hurry. And since it is already 9:30am and I nap at 1pm, I am already running out of time. :-( So... away I go. Have a blessed day!
Saturday, in the park....
And no, I DON'T think it is the 4th of July. .. I'm quite sure it is March 12th, 2011. My brain is not at all fried. In fact, between the Prasada @ Good Karma Cafe , the Acupuncture & Massage with Laureli and the Yoga with Adam , I am probably in the best health I have ever been! Stormed here a bit this week.. a coupla tornadoes , even, but we are fine, and dry. Storage pop-up in back yard made it through just peachy, as well. Spent yesterday making some cards.. got a tad over a dozen done, to add to the rest I have finished earlier in the week. Will put those for sale @ Good Karma Tuesday, and maybe at the Essential Herb Cottage as well. Been trying to create create create so I can sell some at the local weekend farmer's market as well as those 2 other locations. Alright, here is a card from this week...enjoy, and may your weekend be filled with blessings!