moving update

Most everything is over at new house by now. This is day 12 of the move but when you work and go to school and require at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night, there is just not a lot of time left in a 24 hour span. The bed and the remaining items that WERE in the shed are the last to go. I say WERE because the storm on Monday night blew the shed (really a 10x10 canopy with sides) over. Good thing it landed on the neighboring 6ft wood privacy fence or no telling where I would have found it yesterday. I have been storing things in that shed for about 2 years... I guess it has been well used. Sigh. Today's plan (as I am off work) is to grab rest of the already packed boxes and haul them over here. This evening a doll of a friend with a trailer (and hitch on vehicle to pull said trailer) is going to show up to move over the bed and the outdoor items (rain barrel, compost bin, lawnmower, etc). For a new house, this place is wonderful. For an old house (built in 1960) it has a few issues. It sat vacant last couple of years as the owner was in assisted living facility, then a bit of remodeling before being put on market. So the usual, some leaky pipes, some things not completed (handles on cabinets, etc), water shut off, gas meter removed... blah blah blah. All fixable. However, the fact that the (old) central HVAC unit is not up to par is a tad upsetting. After last load yesterday evening, it was 85 degrees and I was tired, it was late. Turned on AC.... 2 hours later, still 85 inside. On plus side, there is a window unit in master bedroom (part of the aforementioned remodel) so sleeping was comfy. Got up this morning to see AC was still not cooling... shut it off, opened windows (there are LOTS & LOTS of those!!) and in 30 mins temp had dropped to 80 degrees. that is comfortable enough, especially as I will be moving loads of boxes in today. all in all... very promising!! And, if you want my new address, let me know. Call, text or email me. Have a mindful day!


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