Well, made it to my first casino yesterday. I started off my day by working 6am-12:30pm, then went to the :Our Lady of Fatima" celebration in Biloxi, headed to the wooden boat show, then over to the Palace Casino Resort. I must say, altho it was smoke free (Thank you, PCR) so that I COULD go into it, I am not sure why I would want to again, other than for the food? They do have a hotel but I already live here, so....no, thank you. And they had ads for the spa (must be part of the resort in see in the name). I saw lots of gaming type machines, none which seemed required any sort of actual skill. I saw some dealers at tables with decks of cards and I am well aware that I am NOT a poker player so walked past them. Saw a roulette wheel (also a game of chance, in my book) or two. And I saw a lot of people. The restrooms were incredibly clean, which I greatly appreciate in any place where I might spend time.
Now, I am headed off to choir at St Patrick's.... have to practice for next week's big number :-)
Saturday, in the park....
And no, I DON'T think it is the 4th of July. .. I'm quite sure it is March 12th, 2011. My brain is not at all fried. In fact, between the Prasada @ Good Karma Cafe , the Acupuncture & Massage with Laureli and the Yoga with Adam , I am probably in the best health I have ever been! Stormed here a bit this week.. a coupla tornadoes , even, but we are fine, and dry. Storage pop-up in back yard made it through just peachy, as well. Spent yesterday making some cards.. got a tad over a dozen done, to add to the rest I have finished earlier in the week. Will put those for sale @ Good Karma Tuesday, and maybe at the Essential Herb Cottage as well. Been trying to create create create so I can sell some at the local weekend farmer's market as well as those 2 other locations. Alright, here is a card from this week...enjoy, and may your weekend be filled with blessings!