Almost done

So... finally finished the classroom part of my education towards becoming a certified Patient Care Technician for Dialysis. GPA is a 4.0, as attested to by the invite and certificate I was awarded at the school recognition ceremony. That was nice :-)

What am I doing now? WAITING... I have to perform 300 hours (class & clinic) before I can take my state boards. Went to DaVita Slidell last Thursday to tour the facility and speak to the FA (facility administrator) about externing there. Passed the Phone interview the last week of March, so that is one hurdle down. Now have to do a panel interview and clear a few more hurdles. After getting on there, I will do my hours and learn all that I can from the Preceptor I get paired with.

On the other side of life, I am still working full time and I have a standing date for drinks & conversation on Wednesdays...that is the highlight of my week. Nothing like good friends and good conversation to really please a Gemini, LOL. One of the good things about being finished with the classroom part of school is that there is no more homework so I actually HAVE a little bit of time for social exercises.

And now.. off to class I go, gotta check in and see if there is any word yet from Slidell.


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