So, Saturday's parades were mostly washed out in New Orleans. And I didn't brave the rain and tornado warnings to go see the 2 that DID roll. Go Figure! Sunday dawned and it was partly cloudy albeit chilly... so off we went! Went to MidCity but way too many people. I guess all those that skipped Saturday were there, like me. WALL TO WALL people. Then off to Metairie (the first suburb of New Orleans, Louisiana, located on the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain between Nola and Kenner) for the Napoleon & Isis parades (back to back). Got back late but spent Monday morning unpacking all the boxes that were in rooms other than the living room. House looks like someone lives here now, instead of a storage facility. Monday night went to Good Karma Medley & packed peanuts for the Hare Krishnas to throw at today's parade... donated just over 52 dozen beads. Some stayed at home, tho... just the nifty neat ones :-)


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