oh my gosh
A month? A MONTH? I have not posted here in a MONTH? Phooey..can ya tell it is "propane season" in Central Texas? Sigh. I cannot really complain since it is a very SHORT season. But between that and finishing up physical therapy from the "Harley vs Monterro" incident October 23rd, a lot of stuff is going undone. On the flip side, Physical therapy is just about done.. I have regained almost full use (altho still with some residual pain, am assured that will eventually cease) of all the "run over parts" and managed to get my 10x10 storage facility emptied out. My stuff and I are now reunited. I am so happy!! Hard to play with paper when it is a 30 minute round-trip walk to the storage unit to get the RIGHT item, be it paper, ink, embossing powder, punch, stickle, embellishment or whatever. What I am now losing in exercise I am making up in creative time spent with my art materials. Not a lot of workspace in my new abode but still manageable. Will spend the weekend getting reacquainted with my supplies :-)