You make me smile...

An absolutely lovely weekend!! Got to see PeaceRev graduate then went to Santa Rampage in downtown Austin afterwards. Got to spend Sunday @ Cafe Caffeine uploading pictures and making calendar pages for Mom's Yule gift (she requests one every year). And still managed to find time in there to watch Shrek & Shrek2... why did not one tell me about these before? They were hilarious! Want to see Black Swan, too, but were sold out. Sigh.

Will soon begin to wrap up chiropractic care & hand therapy, I hope. Spending 4 days a week (chiro Mon & Thurs; hand Weds & Fri) after work doing medical crap instead of social activity during the holiday season is getting a bit tiresome, I tell ya.

On the brighter side of social activity, i get to see Rebel graduate Texas State Saturday December 18th at 10am. I am so proud of him!! Will be spending the Winter Solstice in ritual (full moon & total lunar eclipse as well!! WOW!!) so will be doing our annual Maudie's Munchy meal on the 24th & then heading to see my property in Llano & the PEC lights on way home the 25th... pretty much a quiet rest of December planned.

As it should be...relaxing and non-retail....good tidings to all!


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