Life is a Waterfall

not sure I have ever woken up with System of a Down playing in my head, but oh well! The song has my 2 fave elements... air (Song title is actually Aerials) and water (falls). And the true point to the song is at the end, when you are reminded : When you lose small mind
You free your life
Aerials, so up high
When you free your eyes eternal prize

With that... Good morning! Today's card is made to fitin a #10 business envelope, in case you don't want your friend to know it is a card the moment the open the mailbox. Ppayed with Spellbinder dies and DTP (direct to paper) inking. Now, time to go play like I wanna be at work...

(insert 7 dwarves singing "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go......")


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