I want you to know

Well, if you actually click on the title to listen to today's song, that is NOT the mood in which I awoke. However, the title is a good lead in. What do I want you to know today? How about the sentiment on today's card? How about the fact that we need a radical shift in the paradigm we have created for our world? How about knowing within yourself that you can be who you want to be, from deep down inside, and still be able to be loved? Oh, I could espouse all day.. :-)

Instead, I will tell you that I am slowly figuring out technology and I want to throw the new "smart phone" less & less. And that I am not quite as terrified of taking on the responsibility for the Festival of the Goddess website as I was when I first decided I could do it. Still not sure I can, actually, but I can certainly start learning.

That is what I want you to know for today, actually... that you should do one thing today that terrifies you, that gets you out of your comfort zone, that causes you to stretch & reach for something (someone?) you thought was impossible.


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