You're the reason

Good morning!! So, menstrual cycle ended Wednesday and I had (mild, for me) migraine on Thursday. Seems as all the hormonal crap returned to "normal" (whatever that may be) my body was not happy. So I sent someone out for bananas and double iced espressos, which I promptly ingested, rapidly. Then I went for a walk in the brick, windy day where it was cooler than my office. Felt better, and by the time I arrived home, felt much better than when I started the day. No pain medication, just foods from my "COLD" list, according to TCM. Stick with me, really... I am seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Or at least possibility of living life without adding chemicals to my already screwed up system. Seeing my healer today for an "after cycle" tuneup, so to speak. Then, an evening of fun & games and Goddess karoke with Patricia Monaghan!! But, now.... off to earn kibble! And then to see my friends this evening!


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