Shedding some light on things

I spent last night running recycle to "Green Guy" in San Marcos and then I cleaned habitats, made stuffed tomatoes (think bell pepper but with tastier surroundings) and created some sympathy cards for a client that needs one. Whichever ones do not get picked will go to my rack at the Bastrop Producer's Market. For those of you that were aslking for info about the Market, hours are Tues-Fri 11:00am - 6:00pm Sat 9am - 6pm Sun 1:00pm-6:00pm and it is located less than a mile from where Highways 21 & 71 meet (977 Hwy 71 between FM20 and Hwy21). Call 512-308-9989 for more info.
Right now, however, it is onward and upward, into the KITCHEN again where I plan to poach some eggs from "Shades of Green Farm"... you should try that place out.. The chickens are tasty and all organic and their farming values are humane, organic and local.