if that was this morning...

So, following this morning's post::
TYPICAL EVENING @ Spirit Stone Sanctuary: Leave work @5pm; stop by grocery store for weekly needs then home by 6:45pm; unload groceries onto kitchen counter and walk the dogs. It is now 7:15pm so feed dogs and put groceries away; Put tamales in oven (for dinner) and wash dishes. Check tamales... not warm. Scoop cat litters & refill all food & water bowls for the demanding trio of felines. Check tamales... still not warm enough. Set rats out to thaw for pythons and vacuum living room. Replace couch covers for Friday's movie night. Check tamales. Tamales warm! Go eat... and relax... right up until the dogs need to go outside for last potty break of the evening. Bed by 10pm.


Peggy said…
Chaotic... you seem to have a different writing style, yes? This workshop must have done you some good.... something is going on!!?? Keep it up though! You shine!
Chaotic Kristi said…
maybe I am getting a bit more flippant.. LOL ...could be due to exhaustion, ya think? the workshop went well, I think... i had way more info to share than time, but thining of doing mini workshops every coupla months @ my house (no packing). I am SO looking forward to Zindorfing next month!!

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