a quiet week on the home front?
Saturday was supposed to be "cards by chaotic" day. Did I get a lot of cards done? Only about 10. But I DID get to spend an hour & a half with my new Septic Guy & learning about my aerobic system from start to finish. Interesting stuff, actually. So did not get a lot done on the card end but it was still a productive day. My goal is to make 50 cards a month and then take them to my rack in Bastrop Market. January 16th is the next day for me to go and rotate stock. So... this week, while we have no other "out of the home" activities planned, I will make cards nightly. Need 40 more in 4 evenings...10 a night. Sometimes it is just HARD to be that creative on demand. But I shall persevere!
Highlowaha is looking at helping us attain at least one "soul resolution" this year... for more on that go visit them HERE.
Under pressure? I always find inspiration at Splitcoast Stampers. So cool you have a RACK to sell your cards.