can a week have 8 days?

Well, my goal is to post at least WEEKLY.. .I see I missed it AGAIN... 8 days later. However, not nearly so exhausted!! But I am soon off to bed, so really quick::
we spent 2 hours this evening at Songstone's and then came home refreshed but still tired. Lots of adjusting as Spirit completes 2nd week back at work after 3 months recovering from fractured spine. We are in "workshop" mode. .. .. I am teaching a workshop @ Bastrop's PineCrone Retreat Center the 1st weekend of February (see details HERE). So that would be the perfect time for Spirit to install some custom shelving/built-in type of setup for all my "stuff". :-) Since I will have with me.

So... this card is made from a REAL butterfly. She was in the intersection of 967 & 1626. Guess how many ppl I peeved by stopping to pick her up? yeah, well... anyway, she perished in spite of being removed form traffic. So I immortalized her in this card. The edge is a pseudo punch. Does not punch OUT, just THRU. I laminated the creature and applied with glitter glue (If it does not sparkle, I may not have made it!).

Good night to all!!


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