upright, not quite mobile

around 9pm last night a small smear on the St David's night staff...but only small. Spirit needed a potty break but the floor nurse had not yet put phone # on duty board. So Spirit presses the "Call Nurse" button on the bed.... no one answered until 10:30pm. Sigh. VERY apologetic when she did, Spirit seemed okay with it. Let it slide...the rest of the time has been grand (except for the pain).

Today's schedule? Dr Stovall's
physical therapist was there around 11am to show Spirit the basics like how to get out of a bed, into a bed, sit, stand, etc. Had Spirit demonstrate walking with cane...frowned at lack of stability...coughed up a proper walker... MUCH BETTER! Spirit also sounds better, not as much pain in voice. They will write prescription for real walker when ready to leave so that falling is not such an issue. And issue it is, as that is how this whole thing started. Sigh. Then an epidural/spinal cortisone shot after lunch...which, if true to form, will be the current fave: chicken tenders, vegetables, fresh fruit cup, coffee & a slice of pumkin pie.


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