I miss paper...

Now, it is almost time to go home so I can bathe dogs, feed cats & dogs & guinea, gather up lizard plates, scoop guinea & cat litters, clean fish tank, eat dinner, feed snakes and go to bed.... and somewhere in there find time to get caught up on all the art swaps I committed to prior to 9/4/9 AND watch Whale Rider with some friends that are coming over tonight.
Saturday, I get to get up, do all of the zoo chores all over again (except chop & serve lizards rather than pick up their plates) & then head to Bastrop. A dear-to-me soul is packing for the mover's Tuesday arrival to put most of the worldly possessions into storage while waiting on contract to complete on home purchase. This is what happens in an oddball market. You look for new home, someone buys your old home while you are still living in it. ARGH.