and finally...we have an appt!!

alrighty, update on Spirit::

Long night but some sleep was found, Spirit after several Vicodin, me on the couch listening intently, even as I dozed.

I called docs again today, explained the ER, the regular doc, the PT doc, the trip to the ER again 3am Sunday... and got put through to the appointment nurse's voicemail. Called back and pressed 1 for emergency... woman put me right back into the voicemail program. Called AGAIN and said THE ER told me to tell you I need a freakin' appointment and an MRI right freakin' now..." and Lisa (bless her heart) said "Let me put you through to the back line for neuropathy. And , lo & behold, they made an appointemtn for Tuesday, 9:45am. HURRAH!!!

So, after calling a few people (that said prior "Call if you need ANYTHING") I showered, fed the zoo and left for work, knowing that someone was there for Spirit. Also, reiki person came from Bryan, TX to work with Spirit & reduce her pain level some. And another gracious soul is picking up paper work from Spirit's employer in Round Rock & bringing to house tonight. That really rocks because it is what is needed to get the "out of work" benefits started so the mortgage still gets paid.

Will update again after we ee what Dr Volpe says....


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