Let it rain on me...
The question on today's posting @ highlowaha is "When you close your eyes, what do you see? What do you want? Of all the things you could "order up" for yourself, what would you pick? House with a stone fence? A spot on a sunny beach or in sprawling meadow? A healthy body crossing the finish line of a half-marathon? A relationship? A published book or other work of art?" This one was done earlier this year at one of the Wheel workshops I facilitate. Mine was about ways I can continue being of assistance to our Mother Gaia and how to get/be healthy enough to be on this planet a while longer. It is posted by my bed, right where I look when I roll out of it, actually.
I picked to be healthy, to make less of a carbon footprint, to have more time at home to enjoy the house I manifested with my last Vision Board and the S.O. from the Vision Board before that. Put your mind towards something... place your intentions into the Universe, and have FAITH that She will reply, in due time. Not the 1st of my personal "10 commandments" but it is on the list. I know that energy is a force, and magick is how we shape that force. Vision boards are a form of magick, helping me to see that which I truly desire.