How I've become...indestructible

another foam coaster mounted on CS with a glitter sticker added and rubber stamped sentiment on bottom. And it is RAINING!! There is water on my front door that did not come from a sprinkler!!!!!!! rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain
Blessed rain!!!

Highlowaha's post was made by Ray today, about our New Year's resolution and not getting up off our butts to do them yet... not true! I went to see doc earlier in the year and we are trying some things to see what can be done about my weight.
I cannot come off my anti-seizure medication but I also cannot lose any weight if my heart rate is too depressed to climb over 90 while I sweat my ass off. Between the seizures & thyroid, my body is having some difficulty... but, like this morning song says:

Another reason, another cause for me to fight.
Another fuse uncovered now for me to light.
My dedication to all that I've sworn to protect.
I carry out my orders without a regret.
A declaration embedded deep under my skin.
A permanent reminder of how it began.
No hesitation when I am commanded to strike.
You need to know that I'm living the fight of my life.


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