With love we'll find a way just give it time

This one took a while, just to lay it out... once it was all matched up it was easy. Started with a white slide (paper, colored w/ink)
placed over an image (rubber stamp on bleached background) and then placed on a square of paper that had been edged (sharpie & ruler) w/same shade of ink. Then I set it aside and began on the card base. Same thing, really. Rubber stamped image on bleached paper, inked edges. Matted on white paper that had also had inked edges. Piece of yarn, stamped the saying & embossed w/green EP.


Peggy said…
Very cute! I like the fiber. I was in a fiber swap a long time ago....fiber vs. ribbon... just like the funky stuff!
Chaotic Kristi said…
I like fiber bc it does not matter if it is not PERFECTLY straight.

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