I thought this ATC was fitting, since we've had May showers :-) and may we continue to have them!! Got a bathtub off craigslist for free. I've been looking for one so I have a goodly sized watering hole for the coyotes & such this summer. Apparently this particular tub was chipped during install, thereby making it useless to the installer. Our gain!! What they did NOT say in the listing was that the darn thing was MARBLE! Took 5 of us to get it off the truck...thank Goddess for neighbors! So, since the recent rain has left the back yard a bit soggy, we are waiting for the ground to dry & will then gather neighbors AGAIN to take the tub out behind the mesquite trees. And then pray for MORE rain to fill it. Then I will fashion stpes of some sort for the shorter legged critters, maybe put in a little minibar or someting, give it some class. Even wildlife likes to party at times, ya never know.