It's never too late... it's never too late....

and the song of the day leads me to the demise of September... a few more days to go as it draws to a close... giving way to October! And oh, what a party that month will be. Every weekend is something going on, starting with our WTI Advising weekend, then on to the 16th annual Festival of the Goddess, then our final installment of "Wheel of the Year" (was a 2 year program) ...then Samhain... wow! And the weeknight evenings are just as chock-full of fun times, too, between movie nights, workshops, get-togethers... I love this time of year! Lots to do, can't do it all.... but by golly I can try...

Rat update... Vesta is on oral & otic antibiotics for what they suspect is an inner ear infection. Culture came back w/o much staph but still some, so we treat for that and hope it is nothing worse (like tumour). Hestia is glas her sister is back, even if she does smell like sterile vet place and weirdo drugs...


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