Another Week ...

and I did not post at all... not since the passing of Alecta. Her sisters are still hardy, it appears... aging is a tricky thing. So, last eekend was the "Wise Women Workshop" at Pine Crone Labyrinth Retreat in Bastrop... an entire weekend of workshops intermingled with women sharing and walking the labyrinth and good food! Such a lovely place, I really do recommend it! So, Monday thru Friday last week was supposed to be a "quiet week" for us... nothing too much on the schedule. Then.the week actually began...

Monday the Scottish folk made it home from abroad & picked up the snake we'd been boarding. Sold a desk on craigslist and then spent our gains at Animal Wonders getting the 50 gal tank set up for Thor & his new pal, Xena. Weds was a quiet night, dinner w/Rebel & GF, Thursday was a night, finally, at home! Friday I broke my toe... Saturday was art day @ Energy's place...Songstone came over early & carpooled with us! Always a welcome presence. Then we moved a bed from StarRanch to Songstone's... old one was no longer. Sunday was an energetic shifting of papers from boxes to proper places!

So much for a "quiet week", I tell ya!!


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