The sun is just a ball of desire

actually, the song is really titled out of the frying pan(and into the fire) but this was the line that stuck in my head.... and this is yesterday's's was It's Not My Time AGAIN. LOL... Maybe I need to go reread those lyrics. Got a call last night from the moderator of a yahoo group I unsubscribed from... been in that group for almost 10 years, I think...but I am in too many groups, really, and was not at all active in that one any longer.
BOD meeting for Austin RCG last night...lots of planning for the rest of the year. Then made up the new member packets... several people contributed pages and covers for them, then we laid them out on a table and assembled them all...whew! Long evening, but a lot of fun Speaking of fun, am helping with a "Psychic Skills/Dream Workshop" at PinCrone this weekend... am really looking forward to it. Odd dream this morning as the storm blew in...was in someone's back yard w/another woman (the spouse?) and the guy was trying to kick my ass for being over there (maybe thought I was bad influence on the woman?) so I managed to escape the backyard by scaling a rather high (for residential neighborhood!) fence and then went knocking on doors, with this guy behind me, until a neighbor couple took me seriously and let me in to call the cops. Remember looking out the window by their front door and seeing the guy trying to kick my ass pacing outside....waiting on me to come out, or waiting on neighbors to assume I was bonkers and throw me out? Who knows... anyways, right after I woke up thinking "WTF?" the storm hit.... and the 2 new dogs in pen by my bedroom window started freaking out...poor babies! 30 mins later, storm was spent, sun was rising, and I was crawling into the shower...and so begins another day.


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