Dream Weaver?

Well, woke up this morning with a really odd dream... I was driving behind something hauling 3 horses in a trailer. One of the horses (not sure which, just remember the 3 were females of varying ages, including one foal) was moving about frantically, like spooked. The trailer was moving under her weight and the other 2 were trying to steady the rocking she was causing. I remember thinking"Wwow, they need to pull over before the trailer ends up falling over!" Next thing I know, the trailer has derailed, falling over and spilling out all 3 horses. Not sure what happened to vehicle hauling the trailer. The foal and one of the other mares landed close to each other, one of them was quite injured. I remember thinking I needed to go find the other one and bring it to the other 2 but I could not leave the injured horse...so I kneeled on the ground and leaned over the 2 of them, trying to sooth them. They would not quiet...so I tried "shushing" them... then I started singing. When I started singing to them, they stilled.... and I remember singing loudly to include the solitary mare, hoping she would come to us safely. And then the alarm went off and I woke up singing a Little Richard song.


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