"Drawn To The Rhythm"

Lovely croning last night for one of our own. Also served as a birthday party & a farewell party. I'd say bittersweet but it was just sweet... the wheel will continue its path and so will the guest of honor... and all will come back around.

Speaking of birthdays, we are playing host for some friends that want to have a bday dinner for another one of our friends.... only they are S I C K... majorly so :-( So now Spirit will be cooking the dinner as well as cake... so good about those things... did not even skip a beat. Just said "Well, we needed to stop by the store anyways, we'll just pick up a few more things."

Today is Book Goddesses 1-3pm then the above dinner @ 5pm... and since it is now 10am, we have to head out in 2 hours... babies to feed, some cards to make, some decos to play in & pass on... amazing how much stuff does NOT get done when you work a 60 hour week... sigh...


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