Taking the Long Way

This morning's song.... and since I have tossed Spirit out the door already, showered, scooped litters and made breakfast, figured I might as well post it whilst I still recall it. Spent last night busybusybusy, as usual. Took neighbor to their 1st ever a WW meeting. Think it will work well. It did for me, I know.... there is a lot to be said for community & support. Got home around 7:30pm to dinner wiating and then schoolwork. My Cycle 1 in WTI is soon to be over and I am not near ready as I have yet to finish all the required curriculum, much less the documentation of said curriculum! So we sat down last night and assessed out individual coursework... what I've done, what is left, and what I have done but cannot yet PROVE since a scrap of paper or a post it w/reminders to myself do not actually COUNT as documentation of said activity! Sigh....

Another gorgeous day scheduled for Central Texas... high 70's, low 60's. Got a postcard from a soul at sendsomething.net raving about going to the beach still...LA, no less. And another from Canada informing me of the inches upon inches of snow falling! Gotta love Gaia... versatile! Many faceted!

So, I have updated my iTrader ratings for yesterday's mail call.... updated my Nervousness swaps.... along with all the other above stuff...and now the alarm is going off telling me it is 6am and the Lizard Lounge is about to come to light. Time to go wake them up w/breakfast & then hop over next door to the Hamster Hangout and put the Furries to bed.

SO BEGINS ANOTHER DAY... wish I could be as productive at work as I am at home... but since we are STILL short one person, all I get to do is answer the phone (which is NOT my job), so it tends to make my actual job less productive than it might be.


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