waiting ever so patiently

Well, I woke up with a Meredith Brooks song...now I can't remember it... I really should write them down first thing. By them time I feed the 4 small mammals, the 3 cats & 1 large dog, then make 6 salads... I do well to remember to eat breakfast...much less remember anything once I walk out the door.

Winter is trying to make an appearance...can't imagine why as it is only mid-November in Texas. There was actually frost on my windshield this morning...down to 66 degrees in the lizard lair.

Still waiting to hear from the mortgage people about our closing date... they are shooting for today or Monday and if THAT happens, we are palnning to actually move in on Thanksgiving Day. Why waste a paid day off, ya know? Well, for now...we wait. Art Saturday is tomorrow, and is right around the corner from our place, so that is nice.

Deep work on Sunday, so need to work on that a bit... see what type of PR I want to present.


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