
Well... heard from mortgage broker today...we are now in the underwriting process and may even be closing as soon as next week.... wheee!!! So we begin packing in earnest now instead of just a few things here, a few things there. And, spoke w/the head landjerk just now (called to tell her I had gotten an email, someone wanting to purchase 170 NCR) and she says "We've changed our mind... we are not going to sell right now, we want to wait until they get the schools in and it goes commercial.". Umm... so, if you have decided not to sell right now, that menas you had decided to sell before, otherwise how can you have "changed your mind"? I mention that because, in her last correspondence, she says she never mentioned selling 170NCR to me. Ummm, yeah, right. The good news is, I keep all the back and forth BS (in writing) in a file. So, should she choose to go ahead with small claims court (in an effort to force me to pay rent Jan 1-July 31 2008), I will be prepared. See other posts for the BS... sigh... also, will be borrowing a video camera that makes video directly to DVD so we can film the place as we leave it...including the items she says are not in need of repair.... good news is, she never reads my blog :-)


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