I am just tired of Tracy & Mark Bell

Nov 5th the landjerks came into our rental home without notice, left a note on MY scratch paper on MY art table... but a letter dated Nov 4th arrived in the mail Nov 6th stating that we violated our lease because we changed the locks and did not give them a key... ummm...then how did you get in the house on Monday? And, the lies continued in the letter... I counted 11 in this letter, including where she contradicts herself. And DON'T get me started on her grammar! At this point, I feel sorry for Tracy more than anything... Maybe she is desperate? She states I am in violation of lease because I have pets but did not pay a deposit... well, she knew about the pets before we ever signed original lease and did not add pet deposit to the lease. Nor did she add one to the renewal lease. They have gone from unprofessional to unethical. We have made several phone calls to her about maintenance issues and gotten no response. Now, that we are leaving, suddenly she responds IN WRITING to tell me a bunch of lies? Maybe she thinks that writing down mistruths will make them true? Maybe this is an act of desperation where she hopes her late lies will cover her ass in small claims court should she decide to sue me for rent monies thru July 2008? Who knows... just makes me tired and ready to go. At the rate she is going, I may just call it quits November 30th...hell, if she is going to start all this crap just because I gave them our 60 days notice, I don't think another month's rent will be worth the hassle. Maybe I should have just done like most folks and just skipped out without so much as a "fare thee well"? It is such a shame that only the lessees are adults... the lessors are "behaving badly".


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