Well...we did it

We finally met with a gentleman to go look at some of the homes I'd been eyeballing from afar. And, after looking at the 3 I'd selected, he showed us one I'd not even noticed in one of the same subdivisions I'd been prowling. I guess I missed it as it was in the very back on a cul-de-sac.

So, long and short of it is that we put ernest money down on a four bedroom/three bath home... 1920 square feet. It has what most people would call a "Mother-in-Law suite" but it will be for Rebel. It is a smaller master suite with its own bathroom & entryway with space for a small kitchenette area & sleeping space for Bud. Then a bedroom for the reptiles... gosh I hate moving.


Drachenfrau said…
Congratulations Kristi! That sounds great! :-)

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